
Man disassembling front-loading clothes washer.The stinking washer needed new parts again. Never buy Maytag.

September 26: It was the week Bake Off came back

Outside table with laptops.Today was a baking day! All-spice muffins, Vogelfutterbrot round … four?, Jewish apple cake, and BAKE OFF IS BACK. I teared up. We're losing so much with each day, and will probably lose so much more before we start clawing our way back to a society that works as a society (the entire fucking point of a society is that we have joined together to make life easier and better for everyone, not a few who got lucky. Bake Off looks like the world I though we were all working towards: kind, helpful, compassionate, and really, really invested in cake and bread. To see it back, to see that they took the pandemic seriously, that they chose to carry on, but not blindly or stupidly. Well, it was a little bit of hope.

Tomorrow will be sewing: either finishing the shirt I started 2 ½ years ago, or steaming the wool for the pants I have planned, or pattern fitting the pant pattern. The pants have been on hold waiting for a sewing supplies order that's been delayed for a backordered item for the last ten days. Once I finally figured out this was the polic — and not being overwhelmed in the time of COVID — I cancelled the one item and the order is finally moving through their system. Thankfully, nothing else wound up on backorder while waiting. Garrrrr.

Boxes of black, oolong, and green teas, stacked.Last Wednesday we had our dentist appointment, and I brought home everything I needed from the office, or would have missed if it got cleared out. A wired keyboard and mouse! My ksh book! MJD's Higher Order Perl! The teapot from Gena! Ten boxes of tea! Winter running gear — some so old the elastic is crackling!

Putting the boxes in the car, I strained the ankle again. Not a full sprain, but wearing the boot, the brace, and/or the bandage since then.

September 18: Six months, six days

Desk with two new laptops open, one sitting on the keyboard of the other.Jakob has started school and it's going better than last year. Maybe. At least they are engaged. Glassblowing is now 3-D art, and they're sculpting soapstone. They also have a programming class that they seem to be enjoying. (!) This year should have been the start of Spanish, but after trying to get a German tutor, realizing that wouldn't fly with the school (we needed a certified teacher), suggesting an on-line class, that being turned down by the student, assuming Spanish because Jakob had nixed Mandaran years ago, and then … Mandarin is the choice because Linda, who teaches Mandarain and pre-calc, is pretty awesome. I'm still hoping we can get some German learning happening.

Library book return on the right, on the left folding tables with bags and magazine holders labelled with names and library card numbers.Between masks in the spring, mending the blanket before Akeela, more mending after, and more mask for Robb and Pauline (that I promised months ago), it seems I've started sewing again. Of course, I bought more fabric to make some patterns bought years ago. Got books out of the library. Realized I'd never cleaned or oiled either of my machines, and … ordere some oil and other things, which might arrive by next weekend. Having started reserving library books for contactless pickup, I have three general sewing books I'm comparing (no,really, expect a table) and an electronics wearables book. My desire to create again is strong, but is the follow through there?

Months ago, my therapist suggested "controlling what I can" which feels like a recipe for an eating disorder. On that note, I'm running Monday-Wednesday-Friday mornings; trying for 6:30 in the morning, usually getting out by 7 a.m. Doing yoga every day keeps me limber and feeling less old, at least early middle aged, and helps me fall asleep if it's late enough at night.

Still learning Spanish with Duo, but not feeling motivated. I want to stop, but I want to have studied.

Well, fuck, RBG has died. We're screwed for the rest of my life.

August, 2020

October, 2020

One-liners about bad UI, Doctor Who, and the rest of my life.

What I'm reading

The library offers scheduled, social distanced pick-up.

What I'm listening to

What we're watching

What we've finished

… since shelter-in-place started:

I bake too

And sometimes I write about it.
