SusieJ's Advent Calendar Christmas Eve, 2007

The recipe: Something for Santa

The man is flying all over the world tonight in the snow, sleet and rain -- he needs more than just cold milk! The minty white hot chocolate will be something out of the usual, and mokka (coffee and cocoa) will keep the jolly old elf awake and warm for the rest of the trip.

The surprise: Tracking Santa

In my day, it was NORAD that tracked Santa, but tonight you'll also find him on Google Earth.

Christmas jammies

Some people open presents on Christmas Eve, others open one present, others put up the tree.

In my family, it's new jammies and nighties for Christmas Eve. Footie jammies are best, but I'll settle anything with a Christmas or winter theme.

New jammies are just warmer and cozier, and make it that much easier to fall asleep on Christmas Eve.

Sleep well!